More like can't see the trees from the forest.
With the Fume-0 distraction nearly complete, last night I started reacquanting myself with the portablization by sifting through the piles of posts, "Favorites" links, and my original "Portablize" folder. What a mess.
Jumping from post to link to file to link to file to post to link, I remembered how daunting the task will be to achieve my goal. When I was too tired to read anymore, I stumbled up the stairs and went to bed with an uneasy and discouraged feeling. This is not going to be easy.
Simply put, or not, in no particular order I just have to strip down a Nintendo64 by relocating a cartridge slot, solder it's RAM expansion directly onto the mobo, remove the current power input, remove the controller ports, remove the A/V stuff, and cut off any excess from the mobo I can. Then I have to do the same thing to a SuperNES mini, adding the relocation of several capacitors but subtracting the RAM expansion work. Now we take both of these former game consoles and get them to share an on/off switch that doesn't exist, an LCD screen modified from cold-cathode to LED backlighting, controls I've yet to fully understand, and enclosure I don't know how to build.
Then let's get it to work off batteries!!
The details of each of the tasks further add to the apprehension. Am I in over my head? If not yet, soon.. I start up again tonight.. note to self, "breathe"..
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